Lodge Eastern Star, No. 368 S.C, founded in 1854 in Trinidad, has a diverse membership and preserves certain ceremonial customs.
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Founded September 18th, 1897
The Trinidad & Tobago Masonic Provident Society (TTMPS) is one of Freemasons’ charitable organizations created to provide relief to distressed widows, children and relatives of deceased
Members in time of their greatest need of financial help.
The Society was founded on September 18th, 1897 by seven (7) Masons, three (3) from English Craft Lodges, three (3) from Scottish Lodges and one (1) from a Scottish Royal Arch Chapter.
It is a separate, independently managed, functioning arm of the Craft, with its own Rules & Regulations.
The Society has been in continuous operation since its inception, and will be one hundred and twenty one (121) years old in September of this year.
Special mention must be made of the following members who through their dedication and distinguished service to the Society made it possible for the Society to successfully continue its operations in recent years.
These most recent members were Bro. Angel Acosta, Bro. Arnott Joseph P.M., Bro. Joscelyn “Ivan“ Yee P.M. and W. Bro. Lennox “Chick” de Nobriga, all now deceased; and, Bro. Michael Lau P.M. who for many years handled the Computerization of the Accounts and monthly production of Members Statements at no cost to the Society.
The Operations of the Society is managed by a Committee of Management comprising six (6) Officers elected annually, a representative of each District and of each Lodge, and not more than ten (10) co-opt members. Sub Committees are appointed to carry out various functions and Auditors are elected annually.
Current Sub Committees are: The Administrative Committee, The Finance Committee and The Rules & Regulations Committee. When necessary, a Death Benefit Committee is appointed to look at improving or increasing the Benefit.
These are Operative Committees which are essential to the continued growth and development of the Society. These Committees report to the Committee of Management.
The Committee of Management meets once every two (2) months or as often as required, and a statutory General meeting is held every year before 28th February for election of its Officers, Auditors and presentation of the Management Report and the Audited Accounts.
No member shall be eligible to serve as President or Vice – President for more than two (2) years, nor as Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary or Assistant Secretary for more than four (4) years.
The objective of the Society is to afford to its members a means of providing some immediate financial provision for those, who by death, are deprived of their support. To achieve this objective, each member pays an entrance fee on joining, and a “Call’ on every death of a member.
Some Brethren believe that because they are well off financially, there is no need for joining the TTMPS. To those Brethren, I ask you to please reconsider. Your membership not only helps your family, but another Brother’s family in time of need.
We appreciate that the present Benefit of $10,000 may be meaningless to some of our wealthy families, but, can be very important for the dependents of our less wealthy brethren who have to meet funeral expenses, more so, if, it is after a long and costly illness of our departed brother.
We have also had instances of well off nominees expressing their thanks for the prompt payment of this Benefit at that crucial time when delays in the release of funds from the estate of the deceased occur.
As Masons, we must also think of our not too well off brothers, as membership and growth of the Society helps tremendously in not only assisting these families, but also allows for the increase in the Benefit.
Membership is open to all Financial Masons under the Scottish and English Constitutions; and on February 24th, 2003, Masons under the 8th Masonic District, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts became eligible for membership.
The admission fee at present is $ 25.00, if however, a Mason applies for membership twelve (12) months after his initiation/affiliation to a Lodge, he will be required to pay additional fees.
Also, special conditions will apply to members who are fifty five (55) years and over. These conditions will not apply if the member joins within three (3) months of his initiation.
A copy of the Rules and Regulations is furnished to each member.
On the death of a Member, the Society pays to the nominee within twenty-four (24) hours of notification, a death benefit which at present is $10,000.00. This benefit is funded by means of a charge against all members, referred to as a “Call” which is currently $20.00
The more Financial Members, the greater the Death Benefit can be offered without having to increase the value of a Call. Viz.:
500 members @ $20 = $10,000. We presently pay $10,000.
600 @ $20 will allow us to pay $12,000.
700 @ $20will allow us to pay $14,000.
800 @ $20 will allow us to pay $16,000. A target we should aim to achieve.
The most recent increases in the Death Benefit were:
March 2006: $7,500
January 2009: $8,000
March 2012: $10,000
Historical Statistics have proved that No Member has ever paid into the Society, more than the Benefit received by his beneficiary.
Bro. Trevor Gurley, joined April 1975, Died February 2018, 43 years Membership.
He paid during his membership a total of 537 calls valued at $6,959. The Benefit paid was $10,000 representing a positive surplus of $3,041
We also appeal to Lodge Representatives and more so Almoners, to be alert to the well-being of brethren who have fallen into hard times, due to illness and/or financial difficulties, and have found themselves in “Arrears’ or as we say “Un-financial” and subject to be Written Off.
It is at these times that the family is most vulnerable, and the lodge should ensure that this brother’s account is current at all times, thereby ensuring that the benefit is available to the family should he depart to the Grand Lodge above.
Members receive monthly statements of their accounts either through the mail and those with e-mail addresses, electronically.
At the purely financial level, the Society continues to provide a service that is welcomed to all, and vital to some, and therefore meets the Objective of the Society.
But more importantly, we consider that the call ($20) we each pay individually, to effect the death benefit ($10,000) paid by the Society are only tokens of our Brotherly Love and Affection for each deceased brother, and our concern for, and willingness, to assist his bereaved family in time of need.
W. Bro. Frank K. Bradshaw, D.G.Org.
March 26, 2013 (updated August 2018)
Trinidad and Tobago Masonic Charitable
7, Alexandra Street, St. Clair, Trinidad.
Why should I support the Masonic Fair?
A HISTORY:- Before the start of the Trinidad and Tobago Masonic Charitable Organisation (T.T.M.C.O.), two (2) attempts were made by Lodges to come together for the purposes of dispensing charity, both within and without Freemasonry in Trinidad and Tobago.
The first was in the 1800’s, but this failed due to the fact that all the money collected was dispersed after the formation, leaving no reserve.
The second attempt was the Trinidad and Tobago Masonic Benevolent Institution (T.T.M.B.I.), started by W. Bro. Dr. Arnold Waterman in 1968, who was ably assisted by W. Bro. Percy Hosten, both of the Royal Philanthropic Lodge No: 405 E.C. Being aware of the failure of the previous attempt, a rule was included in the constitution stating that no charity could be dispersed until the Institution built a fund in excess of $100,000.00, later reduced to $50,000.00.
The Institution had some support and did start to build its fund which reached to about $32,000.00, but no donations could be made due to the restricting clause.
However, in 1975 the District Grand Lodge S.C., under the then District Grand Master,
Bro. Dr. Dalachant (Dixie) Sinanan, organised a Masonic Fair at the Grand Stand, Queens Park Savannah, which was able to raise a reasonable amount of money, part of which went to assist certain Brethren in need of urgent relief, part was donated to the Princess Elizabeth Home and the remainder placed in a fund for the benefit of the T.T.M.C.O. which was then in its formation stage.
Bro. Dr. Dalachant (Dixie) Sinanan, felt that the T.T.M.C.O. could give charity within its means and not controlled with the type of restrictions in the T.T.M.B.I. However, in an effort not to fail once more enquires were made through the Grand Lodges of both Scotland and England, if any other country had been successful in forming a joint charity and they were referred to a Masonic Organization in Tanzanika, which had brought together English, Scottish and Irish Constitutions.
It was out of that organization that the T.T.M.C.O. was founded in 1976. The T.T.M.C.O. was working reasonable well and in 1990 a rule was included to guarantee, as much as possible, the organizations growth. That rule stipulates that no more than 75% of the monies collected in a year can be dispensed in the following year, without special resolution of the organization at a Special General Meeting.
The Organization continues to grow and over the last five (5) years, it has been able to make donations outlined hereunder.
In order to continue to grow, it is necessary that fundraising projects be organized. One such project is the Masonic Fair and all Masons in Trinidad and Tobago appreciate the support given in making this function a success, as the surplus raised goes towards replenishing the funds dispensed during the previous year.
Compiled by Rt.W.Bro. Peter L. Knaggs, PDistGrM.
With Contributions by W.Bro. Percy E. Farrell, PDistSGrW.
MASONIC FAIR :- FUNDS FOR CHARITY Sunday 26, September 2010. Adults: $50.00
Children: $25.00